When looking for a job, there’s a chance that most of your skills and talents overlap with other candidates. But at the same time, there are definite experiences and talents that you uniquely own.
Employers normally ask the most popular question,” What makes you unique?” Then this is where you need to expand on appropriate qualities that make you the best fit for the position. This is where you have to prepare with an informative answer to recognize the valuable assets you will bring to their company.
Before applying for a job, make sure you have thought of what your hidden talents are, so you can be unique as you are. If you can identify what your talents are, you can use them in amazing resources that can help you in every aspect of life, including your employment.
Knowing what your natural talent can be very complex. Just the same as how you cannot see your own nose. You may be blinded at times to see the things that you are best at. It can be difficult to point it out and they are often in the places you least expect. Sometimes, you may even be great at things that you consider yourself as being bad at.
A good place to start when assessing yourself is to just open your mind to the possibilities. Keep in mind that it comes in all shapes and sizes and extends into many areas of life so why not start by looking at your past. Look for the things where you stand out.
After looking at your past, think about the things that you love to do. Do people give you some compliments or did they ask for your help with it? Sometimes, you might not think of it as a talent but it probably is.
Other people may find it easier to see what you are good at, so ask around and people will usually tell you what they see as your strengths. Also, make sure to talk to the people who know you well and to people who barely know you. With this, you will see yourself in two different perspectives.
Then try to write something about yourself when you were a kid. Think about the things that you liked to do before and after school. For instance, what your favorite subjects were. Write something about growing up and where you are at in your life now, then write about your future.
With this, it will reveal what you want for your life, helping you focus on talents you should cultivate.
Most of the time, what hinders you to know your talents is your fear of going outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes it is better to give life a chance to surprise you. Why not take a risk and try something totally different.
When you’re out of your usual comfortable environment, this is when you learn the most about yourself. Just let changes happen, try to discuss your problems, and get out and live life a bit more so that you have the chance to conquer challenges that you encounter.
Discovering who you are, knowing new interests, and recognizing your hidden talents will inevitably be an extensive, arduous, and difficult process. But it is a lifelong journey that ever concludes. The journey is certainly an investment, but it is a venture that will pay dividends through purpose, contentment, and excitement.
You will certainly come across difficulties and there will be bumps in the road that will make you want to give up. But ADVANCE PH is here to help you identify what your hidden talents are, with our great team members who will help you throughout.